Homepower is a magazine that basically covers everything we’re about here at EcoRenovator. They cover the gambit of energy efficiency including topics like solar, wind and hydro electricity generation, solar heating, general energy efficiency, building & design, DIY projects, and even some alternative transportation topics. They even offer some of their articles online for free. Of course the good ones are reserved for subscribers. That is where our giveaway comes in. If the winner so chooses, s/he can get a one year digital subscription to Homepower. This not only gives them one years worth of Homepower article, but also a pretty large history of articles over the past few years. Its quite a large and useful vault of knowledge. I can speak from experience as a subscriber for a few years now.
Homepower has donated a 1 year online subscription for the EcoRenovator giveaway this year. Thank you Homepower!
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