Five Gallon Bucket Swing


by Tim Fulton on April 30, 2012

Originally written by forum member BenNelson

This past weekend, my wife, 18-month-old daughter, and I went over to my Dad’s house. One of my brothers happened to be over there at the time too.

My dad wanted to put up a swing in the yard for the little girl, and took a look at a toddler swing at the store. His complaint wasn’t that it was over-priced, but that it was such a fancy, new-fangled thing, with seat-belts and straps in all directions. He thought it would be easier just to make a simple swing.

5 gallon bucket swing

So, my Dad, brother, and I took a 5-gallon bucket, cut it to the shape of a toddler swing, ran a rope through it, and hung it from a tree.

The little girl swung in it for about an hour and a half. She typically never goes on any of the swings at the park for more than ten minutes!

I didn’t get a chance to document making that swing, since I didn’t have my camera with me. However, last night I made a second bucket swing to hang in my back yard. I took photos to show how I made it and then made a YouTube video from that as well.

Here’s the video for you.

I have a nice long post about all this on my personal blog. Visit over there if you want the long story and “how-to” directions.

I also made a technical drawing showing how to build the bucket swing. I have that posted HERE. I drew it up to fit one 8.5×11″ sheet of paper, so you can print it out and take it out to your garage or workshop for when you make your bucket swing.

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