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Old 01-03-16, 05:23 PM   #27
Supreme EcoRenovator
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Portland, OR
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Going through the code, and trying to find why it doesn't compile, you had an unterminated comment which I removed and a "booger" which was a single quote mark hanging out in space, which I also removed.

Here is your code with those errors removed:

  * General Purpose Controller for a water-to-water heat pump, basic version)
  * Provides for:
  *     2 minute startup dalay for compressor protection
  *     Temperature monitoring of: 
  *         Evaporator HX temp
  *         Storage Tank Temp
  *     Controlling line voltage power to appropriate components:
  *         Outside loop pump
  *         Inside loop pump
  *         Compressor
  *         NOTE: Indoor operation is assumed, no compressor crankcase heater.
  * Digital Pins:
  *    D0 (reserved for USB & serial communication RX)
  *    D1 (reserved for USB & serial communication TX)
  *    D2 (* reserved for input loop flow data *)
  *    D3 (* reserved for output loop flow data *)
  *    D4 user input request for heat
  *    D5 output to Compressor SSR 
  *    D6 output to Inside Loop Pump SSR 
  *    D7 output to Outside Loop Pump SSR 
  *    D8 output to Auxillary Output SSR
  *    D9 (* not used *)
  *    D10 (* not used *)
  *    D11 (* not used *)
  *    D12 (* not used *)
  *    D13 LED (onboard)
  * Analog Pins:
  *    A0  input Temperature of Evaporator HX
  *    A1  input Temperature of Condenser Tank
  *    A2 (* not used *)
  *    A3 (* not used *)
  *    A4 (* not used *)
  *    A5 (* not used *)

#define  One_Sec              1000
#define  Quarter_Min         15000
#define  Half_Min            30000
#define  One_Min             60000
#define  Two_Min            120000
#define  Startup_delay      Quarter_Min

 float temp_in_celsius_0 = 0, 
       temp_in_celsius_1 = 1,  
       temp_in_kelvin_0 = 0,   
       temp_in_kelvin_1 = 0, 
       temp_in_fahrenheit_0 = 0,  
       temp_in_fahrenheit_1 = 0;
 // Associating Variable Names with pins      
 int HeatDemand = 4;
 int Compressor = 5;
 int inPump = 6;
 int outPump = 7;
 int auxOut = 8;
 int LED = 13;

 void setup()
// Setting the mode of the digital pins   
pinMode(HeatDemand, INPUT); 
pinMode(Compressor, OUTPUT); 
pinMode(inPump, OUTPUT); 
pinMode(outPump, OUTPUT);
pinMode(auxOut, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);  
   // Initialize print 
// ****************** Startup Delay to Protect Compressor ********************
   Serial.print("begin startup delay");
   Serial.println(", end startup delay");
// ***************************** End Startup Delay ***************************  
  Serial.print("Activating Compressor");
  digitalWrite(Compressor, HIGH);
 Serial.println(", Deactivating Compressor");
  digitalWrite(Compressor, LOW);

 Serial.print("Activating inPump");     
  digitalWrite(inPump, HIGH);
 Serial.println(", Deactivating inPump"); 
  digitalWrite(inPump, LOW);

 Serial.print("Activating outPump");
  digitalWrite(outPump, HIGH);
 Serial.println(", Deactivating outPump"); 
  digitalWrite(outPump, LOW);

 Serial.print("Activating Auxillary Output");
  digitalWrite(auxOut, HIGH);
 Serial.println(", Deactivating Auxillary Output"); 
  digitalWrite(auxOut, LOW);
// Serial.println("starting loop");

// {

   //Reads the input and converts it to Kelvin degrees
   temp_in_kelvin_0 = analogRead(0) * 0.004882812 * 100; 
   //Reads the input and converts it to Kelvin degrees
   temp_in_kelvin_1 = analogRead(1) * 0.004882812 * 100;

   Converts Kelvin to Celsius minus 2.5 degrees error
   temp_in_celsius_0 = temp_in_kelvin_0 - 2.5 - 273.15; 
   Converts Kelvin to Celsius minus 2.5 degrees error
   temp_in_celsius_1 = temp_in_kelvin_1 - 2.5 - 273.15; 

   //Converts Kelvin to Celsius minus 2.5 degrees error  
   temp_in_fahrenheit_0 = ((temp_in_kelvin_0 - 2.5) * 9 / 5) - 459.67;
   //Converts Kelvin to Celsius minus 2.5 degrees error  
   temp_in_fahrenheit_1 = ((temp_in_kelvin_1 - 2.5) * 9 / 5) - 459.67;
   //Print the temperature in Celsius to the serial port
   Serial.print("Celsius_0: ");

   //Print the temperature in Celsius to the serial port
   Serial.print("Celsius_1: ");

   //Print the temperature in Fahrenheit to the serial port
   Serial.print("Temp_0: "); Serial.print(temp_in_fahrenheit_0);Serial.print(" deg.F"); Serial.print(", Temp_1: "); Serial.print(temp_in_fahrenheit_1);Serial.print(" deg.F");


 void loop()
  temp_in_kelvin_0 = analogRead(0) * 0.004882812 * 100; 
  temp_in_kelvin_1 = analogRead(1) * 0.004882812 * 100;
  temp_in_celsius_0 = temp_in_kelvin_0 - 2.5 - 273.15;
  temp_in_celsius_1 = temp_in_kelvin_1 - 2.5 - 273.15;
  temp_in_fahrenheit_0 = ((temp_in_kelvin_0 - 2.5) * 9 / 5) - 459.67;
  temp_in_fahrenheit_1 = ((temp_in_kelvin_1 - 2.5) * 9 / 5) - 459.67;
  if (HeatDemand)
  {outPump = true;
   if (temp_in_fahrenheit_0 > 34)
    {compressor = true;
      if (temp_in_fahrenheit_1 > 90)
        inPump = true;
        inPump = false;
        delay (Half_Min);
      compressor = false;
      delay ( Half_Min);
    {compressor = false;
    while(temp_in_fahrenheit_1 > 90)
      delay (One_Sec);
    inPump = false;
    while (temp_in_fahrenheit_0 <34)
    outPump = false;


There are further errors in that you are using compressor in two different ways. First you define it as an integer and assign it a value of 5, then you are trying to use it as a true/false indicator.

I think if that part is fixed, it may well compile.

Give it a shot, we're getting close.

I'm not an HVAC technician. In fact, I'm barely even a hacker...
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