If it's a nordyne, it's factory standard equipment. Can you say energy hog? They do blow nice, hot air, though. Most of the double wide homes come with a 2 to 3 ton heat pump new if you have one installed. I believe the furnace can support up to about a 5 ton phase change system.
To convert the unit over to heat pump operation is about as simple as it gets. Find a cased coil the same size as the furnace, mount it over top of the furnace. Plumb the heat exchanger to a matching outdoor unit. Plumb the drain pan outside. Install a heat pump thermostat and wire the first stage of heat to the outdoor unit. The blower has it's own wire already. Thermostat second stage and/or emergency heat wires to the existing furnace. The outdoor unit can draw power from the same breaker that the furnace is connected to. Draw a vacuum and charge the system. Tada! Easy peasy. Some assembly required.
Last edited by jeff5may; 10-10-17 at 08:30 AM..