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Old 02-21-13, 08:20 PM   #5
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Incidentally, even with incandescent bulbs, aside from the small amount of light that escapes from your windows, the entire amount of energy that is emitted as visible light (that is the missing 5% when we say they are 95% heat emitters) almost immediately is converted to heat energy after it strikes an object and is absorbed. The re-release of excess energy in the struck object will be--ta ta, long-wave, i.e. heat radiation. So even incandescent lights are 100% efficient--all but window light leakage is almost immediately released as heat.

So also it is with the LEDs. If an LED is 5 watts, that is the amount of heat it ultimately contributes to your heat budget, except for leaked visible light. Of course, your windows leak long-wave radiation as well...

This logic continues to virtually all of your electrical usage with the exception perhaps of your wireless router--your washing machine contributes the wattage almost entirely as heat into your house. Of course your electric range, and your refrigerator and TV do, too. In effect, in each case it is energy being released into an almost closed system, except that portion which leaks out of the enclosure. So if you add organized energy (electricity) to your house, it eventually shows up in its disorganized form--as heat.
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