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Old 07-03-14, 07:37 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by AC_Hacker View Post
I think we should initially focus on a general purpose controller for 'lowest common denominator' systems. Achieving that simple goal, so that there actually is a basic general purpose controller, that can be deployed by 'just anybody' is no trivial task.

NiHaoMike, I agree it would be nice to include a VFD interface for future revisions. That would be highly desirable. I think that a separate development thread should be initiated toward achieving that end. To my knowledge very few people have cracked that nut, and if they have they have remained very quiet about it. But it is a need that should be met, and made public for future revs.

The hardware for it is very simple. RS232/RS485 is just bringing the UART to a common 9 pin connector via a level shifter and is useful for far more than just VFDs. PWM is just bringing a PWM pin to a screw terminal with some sort of buffer circuit in between. Then add an active low pass filter (literally just a resistor, capacitor, and opamp) and you also have analog output. A little more circuitry and it will also do 4-20mA output.

We can put in the hardware first and worry about the software later. We can also add WiFi capability with a CC3000 module. You can simply leave the spot blank if you're not going to use it. It's common practice in hardware engineering to provision in as many features as the space and time allow. Also use the highest end processor that is compatible with the footprint during development, then downgrade for going into production. (For a one off, just keep the high end processor as its cost - a few dollars - is practically nothing as far as the total system cost is concerned.)
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