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Old 03-21-12, 10:17 PM   #129
Lex Parsimoniae
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Default cattle

Nice thing about Texas Long Horn cattle, you can use them for transportation,
after gasoline becomes unaffordable.. (That's next month, I think).

Dang, the best bicycle weather this year, and I get called back to work!!

Woburn March Weather 2012 - AccuWeather Forecast for MA 01801

Tomorrow is the third day of Spring.. The historical average is
48F high / 28F low. But, tomorrow it's going to be 87F with a low of 52F.

I'm going to stuck in the Lab all day, building RF test instruments!

On the bright side, I'll be able to afford to buy gas, to replace all the gas
I'm using to drive to work every day..

I guess one of the side-effects of global warming is higher fuel prices.
They say that high gas prices is the only way to force Americans to stop using so much oil.
(Since we only have 2% of the world's reserves, we must cut back).

The way that those high gas prices drive up the prices of EVERYTHING else,
I would say it's going to force Americans from using much of anything.

Once food prices double or triple, I'll be back in the Lab a lot more hours.
(Since my wife has this habit of cooking us food everyday).

Anyways, I have a plan for beating the side-effects. I'll start riding my bicycle to work!
My hobby is installing & trying to repair mini-splits
EPA 608 Type 1 Technician Certification ~ 5 lbs or less..
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