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Old 02-08-12, 07:17 PM   #12
Lex Parsimoniae
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Just watched the second show and then started reading this, about food prices.
Looks like I'm going to be cutting back on Chocolates in the coming years..

I found the Liberal New England food hoarders very interesting.
They're obviously anti-gun (aka defenseless), and I have to wonder, who the
Practical New Englander is in that group?
It's not the nut who wants to poison the invaders from Beantown,
or cut their throats while they slumber.

Haha! I can just see them, a couple weeks after the 'Hit', trying to sell honey for guns and ammo..

Of all the worst case scenarios, the total financial melt-down looks to be the most likely.
The deterioration of civilization caused by lack of food and fuel etc, should be pretty slow,
if the local state and city law enforcement keeps running for a while.

But, once it starts, it might not be reversible.. We might end up with
50 or 50,000 little 'States', or non at all. Just complete anarchy.
Those States would try to protect themselves..

In various movies and books about this sort of thing, people in small
towns barricade the roads into their towns. They become an isolationist commune.

In many of these fictional stories, brutal gangs take over areas in the cities.
But when they run low on food, the worse of humanity will head out to those small towns..

Seems logical. (After seeing people get into fist fights over milk and bread
just before a snow storm hits).

It's a big no-win. IMHO, the best way to prepare is to try to insure that
we have a good government. One that will stay running in hard times,
but even better, one that will be smart enough to prevent us from going over the cliff.

A guy can dream can't he??
My hobby is installing & trying to repair mini-splits
EPA 608 Type 1 Technician Certification ~ 5 lbs or less..
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