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Old 12-24-10, 11:18 PM   #247
Lex Parsimoniae
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Under-wired? LOL! I hear that's a problem at airports these days..

No, it's a short run of #12. And if it was resistive (dropping voltage) ,
the Sanyo would likely work better.
One of the first things I did was measure the voltage at the disconnect box,
and checked the whole run (under load)with an IR scanner. It's all to code.


When the NStar guys were first out here a few weeks ago,
they (for no reason they could explain) decided to change the lines from the pole into my house.
I asked them not to fix what wasn't broke, but they would not listen.

I got a little voltage INCREASE! Exactly the opposite of what I wanted!

Then a week or two later, they came back and changed the short transformer leads to the pole 220 lines..
Why? To give me higher voltage? When I was begging for lower voltage?? LOL!

I was talking to the NStar guy on the phone this morning (after our 128+ overvoltage) and it suddenly occurred to me..

I may be retired, but about 80% of the people on this section of the grid might be shedding a LOT of load..
They are going to work in the morning! Many leave at 8AMish..
No more coffee pots, toasters & etc. Heating systems are setback too...

I'll bet you 5 kWh, that's why we are seeing 8AM voltage peaks..

Merry Xmas!!
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