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Old 04-13-11, 07:11 PM   #104
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Default channels in Radiant tubing plates

I was discussing this problem with my friend.
(as far as engineering and design, I have just one :-)
He suggested this...

Fold the metal over a board, eg, a 2x4, so there is a
square channel. Special tools might be needed, but
maybe not.
Then take this upside-down U which is about 9" deep,
1.5" wide, and 12-24" long....
and raise the sides back up.
The folded edges become the shoulders of
your channel...and the valley forms by itself.
Nail it down to the sleepers.

The width of the wood is calculated...
1/2 circumference + 1 diameter...
Pi*D/2 + D = 1.5 D + D = 2.5D
5/8 * 2.5 = 10/8 + 5/16 = 25/16 = 1.5"

Note, other than seeing it done as a test,
I have not done this yet...
but I expect to soon.

Sadly, the only reason I am trying is...
Radiantec is back ordered and I need them soon.

I got flashing for $32/50' - bought 3.
I also got new tinsnips that are optimized for straight.

I used a couple of short 2x4 as "wheel chocks"
so the roll of material does not get away from me.
(Trust me, it's worth wearing gloves :-)
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