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Old 11-21-09, 12:14 AM   #8
Bicycle Bob
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Spiritwood, Northern Saskatchewan
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That souds like a great location for something I'd like to try. I've been following about using kites as windmills, and it sure sounds like the way to go. If you can arrange for a pipe, fairly straight, running from the river to a pond or tank well above it, with a fairly steep slope, it should work.
In the pipe rides a long bucket to lift water. It has a simple check valve to let river water in when it is let down. To haul it up, we use a kite. It is best to have a two-line kite, so that you can make it fly figure eights and really pull hard. Robots can take care of flying it, from a resting cradle on top of a tree or tower. When the bucket empties into the top tank, the kite is flown gently to let the bucket pull it back down. Then, whenever you want electricity, you use a hydro generator, with no need for batteries.

We have had snow for a week twice now, but all is brown again. Really crazy weather this year. I have a sister near Ottawa complaining of rain - is it really white for you, or are you just teasing the Yankees? ;-)
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