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Old 03-15-09, 07:05 PM   #3
Master EcoRenovator
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There are still things you can do in an apartment.
Low flow shower heads will cut your water usage 2.5 gpm (gallons per minute) is pretty common for new shower heads some I've seen go down to 1.6 gpm if they are over 10 years old they might not be restricted at all, also a valve right behind the shower head can cut the water so you can soap up and only use water when you need it.
compact florescent light bulbs can greatly reduce your electrical bill, if you can't afford to replace all your bulbs then just your 3-4 more used bulbs also pay attention to the color temp of them and pay attention to CF's that friends of yours might have that you like the color of light of.
cleaning the coils on the back side of your fridge will make your fridge work more affactively, last longer and lower your electric bill.
composting food scraps with worms in doors will cut down on land fill space and give you nice potting soil.
if you drink alot of tea a plug in electric water pot can heat water more directly then stove top, anything that heats or cools tend to use alot of power.
As far as electrical usage goes, get a kill-a-watt if you don't already have one, if you can't afford one ask at your liberay if they have ones to loan out.

There is alot you can do with an apartment.
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