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Old 07-09-17, 09:36 PM   #5
Lurking Renovator
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Thank you for all the answers,

Btw, before knowing that fridge only produces about 250W, i was thinking wouldnt it be nice to get all that heat the fridge produces and just remove it from kitchen, make my place a little cooler. Sadly if it was 1250W it would be worth it, now with 250W it isn't. But i might as well share the ideas with u, again, when i thought it would be worth it:

- first one would be to use heatpipes (i have tons) to transfer heat from compresor to a copper plate and put big tank of water on it. I water my window shelf plants almost everyday and i thought it wouldnt hurt to transfer some of the heat to water so that when i water the plants i remove some of the heat from kitchen.

- second one was, my kitchen sink is right next to fridge and i noticed a use it very often. It is mostly cold water that sadly goes to waste. And i thought, why not attach a copper pipe to fridge coils/compressor and connect it with my sink so that when i use water to wash my hands, that cold water cools down the compressor and coils and then leaves the house. Sadly with 250W it simply isn't worth it.

Both ideas were obviously mean't for summer. Now the only other thing with that 250W of fridge heat i can do is use it as a heater for joghurt machine
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