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Old 02-06-12, 10:09 PM   #36
Lex Parsimoniae
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" as the cost of electrical power could almost double in that time." (5 yrs.)

I've heard that electricity demand is decreasing these days, with all the
new green home appliances and lighting..

These post 2009 "projections" are likely a bit high..

Seems like our demand for oil has dropped quite a bit during the last few years.

Recently, it looks like the USA is down-sizing. Since much of that industrial production is exported.
Going to countries where they are building up their infrastructure, instead of letting it fall into decay.

The cost of power from NStar (local power co) dropped a few years ago.
I was using an alternate supplier (paying more), but now I'm back using
NStar, and paying less than I did 4 or 5 years ago..

The price of oil going up will pull up the cost of producing electricity in this area,
but it might not get very high during this decade.
For one thing, I believe that states regulate utilities..
And, elected state workers, always want to get re-elected..
My hobby is installing & trying to repair mini-splits
EPA 608 Type 1 Technician Certification ~ 5 lbs or less..
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