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Old 08-15-14, 12:42 PM   #201
Master EcoRenovator
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I don't mean to step on toes!

Only way I can understand someones code is to start messing with it.

My changes: some time names & blocking_delay >= on delays
Check my changes for being correct?

#include <Thermistor.h>

                                    //Got tired of counting zeros
#define  One_Sec              1000
#define  Half_Min            30000
#define  One_Min             60000
#define  Two_Min            120000
#define  Five_Min           300000
#define  Ten_Min            600000
#define  Thirty_Min        1800000

double evaporator, condensor;  //Variables for temperatures from thermistors
float HpLPM;                   //Flow rate from flow meter in L/m
float HpLPM1;                   //Flow rate from flow meter in L/m
int minLPM = 3;                //Minimum flowrate to run HP
int minEv = 2;                //Minimum evaporator temp
int maxCon = 65;              //Maximum condensor temp
byte runHP = false;
byte runCompressor = false;
byte runOutPump = false;       // pump to circulate water to house/tank
byte runInPump = false;        //fan in case of ASHP
const int demandPin = 4;       // input connected to external thermostat to request heat
byte demand = false;               // variable for reading if heat required from thermostat

unsigned long blocking_Time;          // Delay Time
unsigned long hpStart_Time;        // Time HP cycle started
unsigned long hpStop_Time;        // Time HP cycle stopped

volatile int NbTopsFan; //measuring the rising edges of the signal
volatile int NbTopsFan1; //measuring the rising edges of the signal
int hallsensor = 2; //The pin location of the sensor
int hallsensor1 = 3; //The pin location of the sensor
byte led = 13;
byte ledState = false;
byte comp = 5;
byte inPump = 6;
byte outPump = 7;
unsigned long prevMillis = 0;        //used for led blinking
Thermistor temp(0);
Thermistor temp1(1);

// ********************Temperature measurement starts here**************
void readTemps() { //read all temperatures from thermistors
  evaporator = temp.getTemp();
  condensor = temp1.getTemp();

// ********************Temperature measurement ends here**************

// ********************Flow meter reading starts here**************

void hpFlow () //This is the function that the interupt calls
  NbTopsFan++;  //This function measures the rising and falling edge of the hall effect sensors signal

void hpFlow1 () //This is the function that the interupt calls
  NbTopsFan1++;  //This function measures the rising and falling edge of the hall effect sensors signal

void readFlows()
  NbTopsFan = 0; //Set NbTops to 0 ready for calculations
  NbTopsFan1 = 0; //Set NbTops to 0 ready for calculations
  interrupts(); //Enables interrupts
  delay (One_Sec); //Wait 1 second
  noInterrupts(); //Disable interrupts
  HpLPM = (NbTopsFan / 2.75);
  HpLPM = (NbTopsFan1 / 2.75);
// ********************Flow meter reading ends here**************

void setup() {
  pinMode(hallsensor, INPUT); //initializes digital pin 2 as an input
  pinMode(hallsensor1, INPUT); //initializes digital pin 3 as an input
  attachInterrupt(0, hpFlow, RISING); //and the interrupt is attached (1 for Leonardo 0 for mega/uno)
  attachInterrupt(1, hpFlow1, RISING); //and the interrupt is attached (0 for Leonardo 1 for mega/uno)
  pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(comp, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(inPump, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(outPump, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(demandPin, INPUT); 
  blocking_Time = millis(); 


void loop() {
  demand = digitalRead(demandPin);

  unsigned long current_Time = millis();
  if ((demand == true) && (blocking_Time >= (current_Time - Two_Min))) 
  //Wait 2 min.
  if (runHP == false) hpStart_Time = current_Time;
  runHP = true;
  if (runHP == true) hpStop_Time = current_Time;
  runHP = false;

  //*****HP startup cycle********
  if (runHP == true) runInPump = true;
  if ((runHP == true) 
     && (hpStart_Time >= (current_Time - Half_Min)  //Delay compressor start 30s
     && (HpLPM > minLPM)))                          //after starting in pump
  runCompressor = true;
  if ((runHP == true) 
     && (hpStart_Time >= (current_Time - One_Min))) 
  runOutPump = true;           //Delay out pump start 60s after starting in pump
  ledState = true;             ///turn on pin 13 led after startup of HP
  //*****HP shutdown cycle********
  if (runHP == false) runCompressor = false;
  if ((runHP == false) 
     && (hpStop_Time >= (current_Time - Two_Min))) 
  runInPump = false;
  if ((runHP == false) 
     && (hpStop_Time >= (current_Time - Five_Min)))   //delay 5 min.
  runOutPump = false;
  blocking_Time = current_Time;
  ledState = false;               //turn off pin 13 led after shutdown of HP
  //***Check flow rates above min***
  if (HpLPM < minLPM || HpLPM1 < minLPM) 
  runCompressor = false;
  if (runHP == true) hpStop_Time = current_Time;
  blocking_Time = (current_Time + Ten_Min); //prevent cycle restart for 10m
  runHP = false;

 //***Check evaporator/condensor above/below limits*** 
 //   not intended for defrost purposes, halts system for 30m
  if (evaporator < minEv || condensor > maxCon) 
  runCompressor = false;
  if (runHP == true) hpStop_Time = current_Time;
  blocking_Time = (current_Time + Thirty_Min); //prevent cycle restart for 30m
  runHP = false;
  digitalWrite(led, ledState);
  digitalWrite(comp, runCompressor);
  digitalWrite(inPump, runInPump);
  digitalWrite(outPump, runOutPump);


Last edited by buffalobillpatrick; 08-15-14 at 01:21 PM..
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