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Old 11-11-18, 09:24 AM   #6
oil pan 4
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Originally Posted by where2 View Post
If solar power is so expensive, why am I getting at least half a dozen solar power plant proposals across my desk at work every year in a state with NO mandate and quota for renewable energy? My state government has even banned the use of the phrase "climate change" and "global warming" (as if speaking the phrase was the cause of the problem??). These aren't DIY homeowner PV arrays, these are 500 acre 75MW zero emission power plants. These PV plants are being built after the power company has already upgraded most every power plant they have to modern NG turbine setups, which given the recent boom in NG production in the USA has made those NG powered systems cheap to run.

Could my power company be gearing up for the next inning in this game where carbon emitters start having to carry some of the cost for their emissions, and a PV array sitting on a former orange grove looks like power to the people without CO2 emissions??
When you need to handle peak load for 4 or 5 hours it's likely cheaper to put in solar panels than it is to build natural gas turbines that are only going to be ran for 4 or 5 hours a day.

HI is a monument to unsustainability. Literally anything would be an improvement over shipping coal or oil 2000 miles to generate power.
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