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Old 10-26-12, 08:22 AM   #19
Lex Parsimoniae
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You could be on the right track with higher RPMs while heating.
When we click up 1 deg C on the remote, there is an unnecessarily large ramp-up in power.

IMHO that big ramp-up comes from Sanyo's marketing dept..
The must believe that we want an 'instant' burst of heat,
instead of a slow steady increase in heat (saving some power).

This morning, it looks like our stupid Sanyo control firmware took off for the moon..
Popped the 10A breaker when my wife clicked up the remote from 20 to 21C.

The peak power use for the month happened today at 2.52kW.

2,520w / 10a = 252 volts this morning, when she hit the button..

As you can see, since 3:05 AM this morning, the line voltage has been bouncing up and down about 29 volts.
(which is 58v on the 230 pair).

My guess: When we get high line voltage (250 to 280) peaks,
at the same time a Sanyo is doing it's hi-power sprint..
That's when we see the big BTUs, and the short brown-out..

But, the unit re-started in a few minutes and is now working fine..

Like I've said before, I don't recommend the Sanyo 24KHS72 because of this problem.
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