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Old 09-09-10, 09:14 AM   #2
Journeyman EcoRenovator
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1. The uniformed plug-footed giants marching in unison are a bit intimidating.
2. They are claiming an annual rate of return (ARR) of 3.53% for the savings account (they blatantly cheated!), 5.15% for SF, 7.99% for LI, and 8.87% for NJ.
3. Will a balanced portfolio of stocks, bonds, and savings outperform the above ARR's? I don't know, but 8% is not bad in current economic times.
4. Parents of a newborn infant do not tend to have $20k lying around to invest in a lump.
5. I conserve electricity. How will this affect what I save by going solar?

Don't take financial advice from an infographic. Do the math yourself. It looks like a solar system is a bad investment in the absence of market externalities, but incentives can push it into "good" territory, provided you don't sell the house. I doubt it would add anywhere near the installation price to the value of the house.
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