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Old 11-11-21, 12:49 PM   #5
Uber EcoRenovator
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Boy that Tarm takes me back!!! Growing up my dad installed one of those dual fuel boilers as heating oil was expensive but that was about all that was available to us. Dad with us 3 boys would spend about 1 to 2 weeks cutting and splitting wood for the combination furnace to heat our home. Fond memories LOL chainsaws that wouldn't start, all the sharpening "by hand" ,truck loaded with wood breaking through the frozen ground!!! stuck in the middle of the bush in the dark. Man good times!!!

As you are very aware the Tarm is rocking some Mesozoic tech. It was new tech after coal.!!
All kidding aside it kept you and your family warm for years!!! They don't make things like that anymore. Todays furnaces become almost obsolete after 10 yrs.

Your query on the Chinese diesel heaters does have merit however its longevity and noise would cause me pause.

My friend and I had a conversation on his failing boiler and he changed it out to a tankless water heater with fantastic results. These units hang on the wall and are nearly silent. This with a small circle. pump was his primary heat source for years afterward.

For you to change to one of these however in propane maybe. There are a plethora made now from about $150 and up.(although I would maybe choose a more of a name brand) The neat thing is they are very efficient and operate on batteries so completely autonomous. One of these with a efficient circulation pump you can heat the whole house completely for a month on your LA battery set up. Depending on how prepper you want to go will depend on your propane storage. A system only for back-up a couple BBQ tanks. For a dual fuel system to pair with your heat-pumps maybe a 200lb tank serviced by a supplier.

to sum up:

A quiet safe system to heat the whole home
Capable to operate on a tiny fraction of electrical energy off grid.
Extremely budget friendly for equipment costs.
DIY install approved for mature eco-renovators

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