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Old 12-10-19, 02:40 PM   #256
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The prime would not work for me 25 EV miles not near enough. It my work for others.

I will take the Volt 53 EV mile range any day of the week. Even with 53 EV miles we are still only at 80% EV miles.

I have not been on the Volt forum much lately I will have to check it out. the coolant level you can just add coolant and reset the code with ODBII and your cell phone just like I did with my Gen1 Volt.
Some of the Gen1 did not get burped at factory so I only had to add coolant once.

The other weekend they had a 40% off sale at the LQK junk yard I picked up a donut spare tire from a 2018 Chevy Curse. This spare will fit my 2018 Volt. I tried to get the jack but it was missing. I ordered from eBay the jack kit for a Chevy Cruse now I can keep that in my Volt. Only 2017-2019 Chevy Cruse will fit and junk yards know this and have jacked up the prices.

I have a full size spare tire but when we take trips it takes up to much room.
It will be nice to have the small spare. It weights much less than a full size tire.
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Last edited by pinballlooking; 12-10-19 at 06:08 PM..
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