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Old 11-06-16, 08:48 AM   #105
Lex Parsimoniae
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Default default when powering up the Gree

The default when powering up the Gree, is to use the last heat or cooling setting.
But, the thermostat mode boots up to use the IDU heat sensor..

So, each time we turn on the Gree, we have to remember to press the "I Feel" button.
(a small odd looking icon appears on the remote LCD).
The Sanyo default is using the remote sensor, with a recessed button, to enable the IDU sensor. (It's remembered on re-boot)..

The reason I can't use the Gree IDU sensor, is the warm air from the den,
floats into the LR, keeping the Gree from coming on, for long periods.
By using the "I Feel" mode, the hallway temperature is better regulated.
The new Gree remote is mounted in the hallway, where the Sanyo remote used to be..

It's been getting cooler lately, so we have been setting the (Den) Sanyo to 20C, and the LR Gree to 68F.
That keeps the two bedrooms just right for sleeping. Around 65-66F..
When the winter gets here, we will likely tweak the setpoint for the Gree,
and partly close off the Den at night.. Keeping that area at a lower temp..
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