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Old 03-17-16, 08:32 AM   #44
Lex Parsimoniae
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Oh Yeah, I almost remembered that ecomodded post. Back on 02-15-13, back when I was 67 years old. (I'm 70 now).
It seemed funny at the time. Like someone photo-shopped a breaker as a joke on his electrician buddy.

Since then, I've had to replace the toggle switch a couple of times..
Any amount of resistance across the switch contacts causes heating,
and somehow causes more resistance. Which = more heat, then melting..
I attempted to control the power with soildstate switches and,
a big golf cart relay and all efforts failed. It's still uncontrolled.
The #3 panel that was damaged and disconnected is still installed.
The array is now at 600W (three 200w panels) and still able to deliver
5 to 6 amps into the 13 ohm heating element. 460Wh=1570 BTUh.
And I still have to disconnect the 500w tracking array in the summer.
(Tank will get too hot). Today, there is no sun and snow in the forecast.
So the heatpump will run a bit..

The drawing is out of date..
My hobby is installing & trying to repair mini-splits
EPA 608 Type 1 Technician Certification ~ 5 lbs or less..
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