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Old 11-15-09, 03:20 PM   #115
Lex Parsimoniae
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I wasn't thinking about break-even when I decided to buy a Sanyo.
I'm kinda like those guys that buys a Prius and not worry about when,
the better gas mileage pays for the extra cost of the car.
They just want it to be green or they love gismos.

My motivation is a little different, It's more like being prepared.
Wanting to stay warm, if the oil man is a no-show or if oil shoots up to $9 a gallon.

Last year, we got a back-up 5KW generator, just in case of power failure.
It's hard to stay warm when the power goes out for a few days.
Hopefully, we will never have to use it. All of out back-outs lately have been brief.

And, of course I love trying out new stuff! This technology isn't really new,
it's just new to me. The 24KHS72 has just completed it's 3rd summer in the USA.


Anyways, I'm all eager to install the power monitor and see whats watt..
This evening I counted the LCD flashes and saw my home was using 600 Wh.
I turned on the Sanyo, asked for 76 degrees and measured 2340 Wh.
2340 - 600 = 1740 Wh or 1.74kWh or about 35 cents and hour.

If I turn off the rest of the house, I should be able to easily calibrate
the new monitor using the meter.
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