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Old 10-28-15, 07:11 PM   #5
Lex Parsimoniae
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The "Round Barn" was one of the neat pictures I saw on the web..
I was zipping around in StreetView mode, looking at all the houses and trees etc..

The "Color" isn't all that good this year around here.. We were at Horn Pond yesterday.
My wife was out Kayaking for 2 hours and I didn't even take the camera out of the car.
Just sat around reading a book.. Poor-colors.. It's raining and windy for the next couple of days,
so the yard will be a mess.. Nope, I'm not a big 'New England Fall Color' guy..
I see all those dead leaves as dead leaves that will kill the grass if they aren't moved..
Plus, they cause a lot of accidents, being almost as slipper as ice..

We had some tree damage here when that tornado passed by..

I forgot about that aspect of living out in the alley..
I guess it's not really a Retiree paradise..
But could be the closest thing to it..

Sometimes the color is good.. From the web in 2014..

This is the same spot, on a nice day. 10/12/2015. (Wife in kayak. The little blue boat is mine)..
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