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Old 03-08-15, 11:37 AM   #600
Lex Parsimoniae
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This is the first weekend without a lot of snow we've had in a long time. (7 weeks). Just some flurries today..

Many of our defrost cycles this winter were due to blowing snow (blizzards).
The snow would quickly build up on the air intake/HX, harden up and eventually kick in a defrost cycle.
If the indoor temperature drops too much, over-current resets start up, during defrost recovery.
It's a PITB. I hate getting up at 4:00AM, turning off the Sanyos and switching to backup heat.

I was out looking at the mess this morning, and I've got a new idea about the little snow roof.

I'm thinking of converting it to a snow shed. I could get rid of the side lattice,
since it doesn't help with blowing snow..
And install a solid side wall replacing the lattice sections.

So, if snow was going to get pulled into the air-intake, it would have
to come in via the front door.. Where air is being pushed out..

I think this would cause losses, since some of the Sanyo-cooled air would
be recycled back into the input..

I would also have to keep the area in front of the open 'door', clear of snow.
Maybe make a channel in the snow banks, that runs down-hill (north),
to allow for the heavy super-cooled air to move out of the area.

During summer use, I think the Sanyo-heated exhaust air would move out & up,
and cool air near the ground would be pulled in, under and low around the sizes of the unit, into the air-intake.

Comments please.

My hobby is installing & trying to repair mini-splits
EPA 608 Type 1 Technician Certification ~ 5 lbs or less..
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