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Old 09-28-14, 10:23 AM   #46
Supreme EcoRenovator
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Originally Posted by Snail View Post
...PS How do you quote properly on this blog? Is there a page anywhere with this type of info?
If you want to quote a previous post, you use the little "QUOTE" button thingy at the bottom right of every post.

However, if you want to quote something that isn't a previous post, you must be forced to be creative...

You need to make a 'tag' that preceeds and then follows the text that you want to quote.

A tag is identified by the robot software as some 'tag text' delimited by square brackets. I can't show you an example because the robot will think that my tag example is a real tag, so for this example I will use curly braces instead of the square bracket, so that you can get the idea.

Lets say that you want to quote the text: THIS IS A QUOTE EXAMPLE

You would put the quote tag {QUOTE} at the beginning of your text, and at the end of your text, you would put the 'end quote' tag {/QUOTE} ...

So it would look like this:


But after the robot does its work, it will look like this:

There you go, simple as that.

I'm not an HVAC technician. In fact, I'm barely even a hacker...

Last edited by AC_Hacker; 10-17-14 at 02:41 PM..
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