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Old 06-02-09, 04:14 PM   #1
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Default Pump efficiency related to temperature?

Not sure where to post this- mods, please feel free to move it.

I was thinking about my biggest power drain today and believe that it is the pool pump. It is a 3/4hp ( I think ) pump that runs for about 8 hours every day.

I've backed it down to lower time, but that won't work for much of the year as we have a lot of wind= a lot of dirt/leaves falling into the pool

anyway: regardless of the time it runs, it is enclosed in a concrete room that is about 10ft deep by 3ft wide by 5ft high. Unfortunately, the southwest facing wall is 10-inch concrete and painted black on the outside face. Can't repaint it without pissing off the neighbors.

In the afternoon, that pump room gets HOT. I'm thinking about chipping out some vent holes to cool it down as I assume that the pump will live a longer life with less heat.

My question: Does the pump pull more power when hot? A cash savings from energy use reduction would probably motivate me to start chipping concrete.


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