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Old 05-31-13, 03:32 PM   #25
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This winter we had to replace the digital thermometer in our bedroom, so we got one with more functions (humidity, min/max). It worked fine, but when it finally got warm enough to open the windows and turn the heating off I found out that it has one more function: It displays the word "Comfort" and a smiley face when it is warm enough (and not too humid). 'Warm enough' in this case is over 20°C, while our bedroom was in the 16-17°C range all winter (sometimes below 15, rarely above 18), so no wonder I never saw any happy faces - the thermometer was not happy So...

You might be an EcoRenovator if...
... Your house's winter temperature is kept so low that even your thermometer is not comfortable.
... You have warm sweaters, vests, socks and slippers prepared for your guests.

On the same note, when we had guests over during the winter months, one of the ladies came out of the bathroom with a big frown on her face and almost crying: "Even their toilet seat is cold!"
Ecorenovation - the bottomless piggy bank that tries to tame the energy hog.
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