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Old 04-23-12, 06:31 PM   #15
MN Renovator
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No, multi story. Quad split. I've sealed all ductwork to the level that is fully underground (except for about a foot to allow for external access to provide connections for the A/C, gas, laundry venting outside.) It stays a steady cool, but comfortable temperature anyway, no matter what the season. There is one level that is about 1/2 undergrade with only supply ducting, the level that is a foot above ground level(directly above the basement) is fully ducted but no supplies are easily accessible outside of the main supply trunks in the whole house except for the entry way and the kitchen. A few supplies are accessible for the ground level and two of the four returns(one ground and one upstairs on the same side of the house) are accessible from the basement but nothing on the opposite side. All of the return ductwork is run through the stud cavities on internal walls and the floor joist cavities. Wood and drywall make up most of the return ductwork outside of the metal that covers the floor joists to turn the 2x8 joists into ductwork.
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