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Old 02-29-12, 05:49 PM   #119
Lex Parsimoniae
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"When you're in need because the government has failed you, such as my case,
by causing the recession, I see no problem collecting money from them."

If you have been working for a few years and paid state + federal + FICA +
unemployment bucks have been going into the state,
then you should be able to collect some of that money back during hard times.
At least as much as you put into the system.. + interest..

I'm collecting SS checks, because I paid into SS starting in 1963..
I'm 66 and 95% retired, but I still pay fed&state taxes, FICA/SS & etc every time I earn a buck..
Or take a buck out of my IRA or 401K.
Heck I have to pay taxes on the lowly interest that I make on my savings account..

I have a problem with 50% of the population not paying any taxes at all..

I also have a problem with state 'workers' faking injuries and getting free cash for the rest of their life..

I think it would be a real good idea to pay rewards to people who ratted out the scammers..
My hobby is installing & trying to repair mini-splits
EPA 608 Type 1 Technician Certification ~ 5 lbs or less..
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