Thread: Diy hx ashp
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Old 01-04-12, 10:55 PM   #5
MN Renovator
Less usage=Cheaper bills
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If you are serious with your previous post and the picture with the arrows between the flowery landscape, the bucket, and the snowflakes falling into the breadbox, then please ignore the final paragraph to this post, or maybe just the whole thing.

It's easier to steal heat when you are living in a 3 story apartment, be sure the above and below units are occupied and ideally the side ones too. Live on the 2nd floor, in the winter you get heat from the sides and below you and in the summer the guy on the 3rd floor pays your electric bill. Be sure the guy on the 3rd floor has his A/C cranked on a hot day before you decide to move in. You'll be all set. Usually heat is free with an apartment though, if that is the case, get a 1st floor apartment and the 2nd, 3rd, and sides will pay most of your A/C bill, be sure to add thermally insulating window shades.

I've known too many people who got burned by living in 3rd story apartments and paid $200 a month for June, July, and August to run an air conditioner in a 800sq ft space and not even get it down below 80 during July. One of my friends lived on a 1st story apartment and didn't mind it at 76 degrees inside on a hot July day, her above neighbor paid her A/C bill while she paid $20 for the rest of her electricity.

Not sure how you'll get the heat from a business unless they are right below you or next to you. You could try to move into a conference room or the basement and hope you don't get caught, that would have worked out for Milton. Except in the end he added a lot of heat to the building. I think an accounting glitch might be a better plan. Here's the rundown.
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