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Old 12-21-11, 11:12 PM   #17
Lex Parsimoniae
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That's not bad.. Less than 15 kWh per day ave. That's about what our Sanyos are using these days.

I've done some reading about measuring airspeed. And I've seen some videos
on YouTube about how critical it is to place the anemometer in the right location.
Anything that can cause air turbulence can seriously affect the instrument.

It's got to be mounted high up in clean air, and not downwind from trees, houses, hills, ham radio antennas, houses & etc..

I once installed an old anemometer, mounted on a 2 foot shaft, at different locations
around the deck railing and other places in the backyard. Location makes a big difference.
For wind info (before going for a hike or bike ride), I found the most accurate info comes from the local airport.

Since I'm a lazy person, if I had some good land, I would install PV
and never mess with with wind at all. Too many moving parts
and way to many things to wear out.
The failure and repair rates on those things is too high for me.
Plus, a really high gusting wind can rip them up PDQ.
My hobby is installing & trying to repair mini-splits
EPA 608 Type 1 Technician Certification ~ 5 lbs or less..
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