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Old 12-14-11, 07:36 AM   #19
Lex Parsimoniae
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Yeah. I wrote a routine that sent me an email when the temperature went above a selected set-point.

I also wrote some routines that averaged the humidity over a time span,
to get rid of the LSBs dance factor.

I'm not sure, but the bright on-board LED that flashes @1hz (heartbeat signal),
might be pulling the Vcc around and affecting the ADCs.
After all the sensors are connected, I hope the Vcc will be more stable.
If not, I'll de-solder the flashing LED. Or put a larger resistor in series with it.

It's not difficult to program, since the firmware(machine code)
that does the actual 'reading' of the (3) ADCs, (8) TTL ports, (8) temperature & (1) Humidity is embedded.
As is code for the (6) TTL output ports.Controlling those bits is as easy
as SET OP6 1 or SET OP6 0, which can turn an SSR on or off.

The language works a lot like a Basic interpreter. Not much bit-banging is needed.

The difficult part of this job is getting all the parts together and finding the time
to sit down and assemble the sensors & wiring harness.
I have most of the hardware now. Just need to pick up a few small parts at Radio Shack..(For interfacing the current sensors).

Now that the radon level at my work bench seems safe, I'll be able to get something done..
But, tis the season.. So it might be a while..
My hobby is installing & trying to repair mini-splits
EPA 608 Type 1 Technician Certification ~ 5 lbs or less..
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