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Old 11-15-11, 04:52 PM   #14
Lex Parsimoniae
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I'll be 66 in January, so I'm learning how to do short term planning..
When I buy solar panels, I'm not worried about them not lasting a full 30 years.

My advice is not to go overboard with EcoRenovations, if you live where they aren't
needed but 2 or 3 times a year, (for 3 hours).

Someone with a small house using a good mini-split,
living in a mild climate zone, that used 5 kWh a day during
the heating season, may be able to cut down to 3 kWh a day,
by doing some EcoRenovations, or turning down the thermostat.

So, instead of paying 75 cents a day, it's 45 cents a day..
Times 90 days? Saving 30 cents a day. He saves $27 a season!
(Pizza & beer for two)!

I'm just sayin, do the math. If it looks good, do it.
If you think you might be moving else wheres in a few years,
think about making a large investment in something you
will be forced to leave behind.


I was doing home inspections when my kid was looking for a new house.
She found a nice little home in Lexington. While I was there, at least
six families came in and looked over the house.

In the basement, I found watermarks on the walls that indicated
water had come down from above, flowing inside the walls!
On the main floor, I noticed a few places where the walls seemed to
have been slightly damaged by water from inside the wall..

Not one had even looked in the attic! None of the prospective buyers,
or the realtor had been up there. I pulled down the rope, went up
the stairs and found brand new panels nailed up on the rafters!
I pulled one back a little and found the roof had recently been on fire!
I removed one 4'x8' panel and found very extensive fire damage!!
I could push my knife point 1 to 2" into the blacken planks..
The roof was ready to cave in at the first snow..

My point: Most folks who might want to buy your house someday, will likely be interested
in other stuff, besides how many inches of insulation is up in the attic..

Because of the location-location-location, around here,
many people buy nicely kept 1950-60s 3 or 4-bedroom ranch houses and never move in.
They have them torn down and replaced with a king-kong sized house.
More bedrooms than they will ever use.
My hobby is installing & trying to repair mini-splits
EPA 608 Type 1 Technician Certification ~ 5 lbs or less..

Last edited by Xringer; 11-15-11 at 10:13 PM.. Reason: Editing for fun..
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