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Old 11-11-11, 08:44 AM   #984
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Xringer Wrote

What was your source? (of Propane) Yes BBQ propane

Being this is a experiment I didn't go to any extremes like extra dryers to install the gas. There is a dryer on the system and I felt it should take care of any moisture. I did pull a vacuum on the system and left it sit for a couple days (to check for any leaks??) Then I just made up a hose and installed it. Actually I was suprized it didn't take much maybe 4 oz. One problem I had had was the scheider valve wasn't working on the high side and when I had removed the gauges I lost most of the charge. One interesting thing to note: The propane as it left the compressor it didn't have the smell anymore, it was odorless. One thing I intend to do is use (Solid State Relay) just in case. I feel that if it leaks the propane should dissappate. The GSHP is on the main level no basement for the propane to pool in. I don't believe there is enough there to cause much damage if any. All the conditions have to be met for something catastrophic. I will still sleep well.

The thing I found most interesting is the performance of the little 2T: COP of 4.3 and output of 18KBTH/H The comercial unit I have at home 3 T R410 refrig. and COP 3.5 and Approx 18400 BTU/H


Last edited by randen; 11-11-11 at 08:54 AM..
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