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Old 09-30-11, 01:35 PM   #428
Lex Parsimoniae
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Default No Problem now..

I'm pretty sure that heat load doesn't have anything to do with it.
I can go in right now, (it's 77 out) and set it for cooling and it will
work okay, but only if I call for 75-76 of cooling..
If I call for 72, the Sanyo motors will go into high gear and
within two or three minutes, it will be heading for 3.6 KW.
The button marked "High Power" will cause the same problem.

Since I built and installed a very sensitive circuit breaker
that self-resets, over current is no longer a problem.
During the winter defrost cycles, it used to overload
at the end of each cycle.. Now it just hiccups, resets
and repeats a few times and runs normally.

Since my replacement unit was from the same lot,
it could be a bad lot.. Or maybe not.
I have heard of at least two other Sanyo owners who have had
problems with overly high current draw.

I've been told the High-Power mode runs the system at 130%.
I guess that means it's going try busting a gut.?.
Anyways, mine seems to do the HP mode whenever
I call for a big change in temp or it's just finished defrosting.

I'm considering buying a new indoor unit to use with
my repaired spare, but if I was starting fresh,
I would not buy a Sanyo of this vintage. (It's not a new design).
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