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Old 09-26-11, 10:39 PM   #9
Lex Parsimoniae
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I know that my bath room vent is pulling cold air in from outdoors,
but, it's not something that we really notice.
The amount of air that's infiltrating in from the light switch plates etc,
is not having much, if any effect on the thermostats.

Just going in and out of the front door, bringing in the groceries,
seems to have more of a cooling effect than running the bathroom fan.

I know my house isn't super tight. It was assembled by college kids working part-time, in Oct 1956.
Plus, my ears don't pop when the oil burner comes on.. That thing really sucks in the fresh air.
Maybe this year, I'll get some fat PVC pipe and build it an air supply.
Might warm up the basement a bit this winter.
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