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Old 07-26-11, 09:53 AM   #15
Master EcoRenovator
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I also track that. On my last bill I averaged 73 gallons/day outside of the garden watering season. Period before that was 100 gallons/day but due to broken water meter that number is imaginary based on previous consumption from the year before when I hadn't done anything to save on water and still had two 6 gallon per flush toilets. I'd love to get some realtime water usage tracking going but computer linked meters aren't cheap and my water is.

picture 2 showers, 1 possibly 2 baths for the kids 1 dishwasher load, .5 handwashed loads, and 1 washing machine load/day. next add in toilet flushing for 1 adult and a 3 year old all day and then 1 more adult just at night. since the 3 year old goes every 45 minutes or so (you go all the time until they learn the feeling and learn to hold it a bit) I'm very very happy I replaced the old toilets with some 1.6 gallon/flush toilets that do a partial flush if you only fold the handle down a bit. Also you get the handwashing and the basic washcloth dampening that is always going on.

Last edited by strider3700; 07-26-11 at 09:58 AM..
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