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Old 07-25-11, 02:55 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by strider3700 View Post
All of this laundry has cost me $42.09 in electricity using 546.58 kwh so I haven't quite saved 50% yet. Still I find the effort of using the clothes line minor in the grand scheme of things and I quite enjoy the process of hanging it.
Yeah, I can see you haven't done it enough times yet

I dunno how it is in North America, but European washing machines have a spin cycle at the end which can be as fast as 1200rpm (which can be reduced to 1000, 800, 600, 400, or 0 rpm depending on how delicate the load is). This squeezes most of the water out, reducing the need for drying. Our machine only does 800rpm and sometimes giving the laundry a second spin makes it only damp, not wet, when finished. A faster spin would use a little more power, but would make the laundry even less wet. Not an issue when we dry outdoors, but helps in spring/autumn when it's cold and damp, indoors and out.
Ecorenovation - the bottomless piggy bank that tries to tame the energy hog.
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