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Old 11-30-08, 11:19 AM   #1
The Gardener
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Default Utility Bill Overview

Ok, so I received this month's utility bill which also includes showing what I used per month this year, plus last years usage and how I did for both electricity and gas. You'll notice that certain months are estimated. The ones that aren't show how well I did with electricity. The gas one varies from year to year, but it should start going down now that I've adjusted my thermostate properly. The only thing I have on gas is my heat. Hot water tank is totally electrical. Which begs me to question how the heck I had gas usage in July. The only thing I can think of is that it got cold a few times in July this year (we didn't have a super hot summer) and I turned the heat on since our second son was born at the beginning of June. Otherwise I have no idea. In any case, I will be watching it a lot closer this next year.

So here it is. I think I did pretty good for electricity. Their estimations were WAY off. But, I guess, how are they to know that I was gonna put all these CFL's in my house.

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