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Old 02-09-11, 11:50 PM   #14
Lex Parsimoniae
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Humm, if that was in kWh, then that's about 1.131285e+015 BTU hours..

So, if are we talking we are talking 1 hour, what are we talking about per year?
The sun has been in quite mode for a few years now.. Since 2006??

Looks kinda odd for an 11 year cycle.. Looks like the 2012 peak is gonna be an epic fail..

Another climate wild card: solar cycle 24, perhaps causing food riots during the next decade « Fabius Maximus

Referring to the NASA forecast:

"If this forecast is correct, cycle 24 would be would be the slowest since cycles 5 and 6 (the Dalton minimum) in 1800-1820. This was the London of Charles Dickens’s childhood — a London draped with snow, when people skated on the Thames River."
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