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Old 12-24-10, 11:14 AM   #27
Lex Parsimoniae
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Default What's going on here???

It's almost noon and the clamp-on shows 7.2A into the 10 ohm heater load.
That's 518.4 watts into the load!! If the loss in this cable is 10w,?,
then those new panels (400w array) are providing 528.4 watts.. That can't be right!


Waited a while and rechecked it.. Now at 6.1 to 6.2A
That's more like it. 384.4 watts in.. 10 lost= 394 out of the array.
98.5% of the rated 400w..

Must have been cloud-edge boost.. Because, I re-zeroed the meter
and took fresh readings, three times, while it was at at 7.2a..

Or, maybe not. I can't see out cloud-edge could increase the power by ~25%.. Or can it?

Edge-of-Cloud Effect, may not be what you think it is. Solar Power Knowledge Project

Circuit Cellar - The Magazine for Computer Applications

"The one unquantifiable anomaly affecting irradiance is edge-of-cloud effect and reflection (typically snow). When the sun enters or exits a cloud, there is at times an increase in solar intensity caused by reflection from nearby clouds that causes a sudden increase in current output. In the short time my system has been running, I have personally seen 2,000-W power spikes as clouds pass (i.e., a jump from 7,500 to 9,500 W)."

That's about 21% right there.. So maybe 25% is not out of the question..

Happy Holidays,
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