Forum: Conservation
09-27-20, 07:08 PM
Replies: 40
Views: 79,731
Forum: Conservation
09-27-20, 07:06 PM
Replies: 33
Views: 94,238
Forum: Conservation
08-11-20, 05:24 PM
Replies: 33
Views: 94,238
Sooooo... this month has been a true test of...
Sooooo... this month has been a true test of other mods I have been doing. Air sealing and using timers ETC. The results have been great. The Sense app lets me know when my kid leaves the bathroom...
Forum: Conservation
07-18-20, 10:52 PM
Replies: 33
Views: 94,238
Hey gang,
I want to just show you a bit of...
Hey gang,
I want to just show you a bit of the app that you use with your sense. I repeat myself a couple of times and it is a bit clunky, but it shows a lot of the features. I would like to...
Forum: Conservation
07-12-20, 10:12 PM
Replies: 33
Views: 94,238
Forum: Conservation
07-09-20, 02:22 PM
Replies: 33
Views: 94,238
So, In an effort to save money, I decided to...
So, In an effort to save money, I decided to start with bulb replacing and using LED's to get going. The results are dramatic.
Here is my original light.
Here is the new Costco special,...
Forum: Conservation
07-08-20, 09:15 AM
Replies: 33
Views: 94,238
Does it make SENSE, to monitor your homes energy.
I did it! I finally purchased a Sense energy monitor. Some of you know I just installed a new AC unit. I also had that home efficiency audit. The audit is sponsored by the power company, and it is 99...
Forum: Renovations & New Construction
06-02-20, 05:04 PM
Replies: 30
Views: 44,605
Have the unit installed. Very happy with the...
Have the unit installed. Very happy with the install and I am now ready to learn to use my ecobee. The unit is huge, twice the size of my old unit. It is working well and cooling the house. I think...
Forum: Product Reviews
05-17-20, 09:22 AM
Replies: 12
Views: 82,876
I am glad to hear a positive story. I used to...
I am glad to hear a positive story. I used to work at cruise as a self driving test driver. They used the Chevy volt. When you are training they have you work emergency stop techniques.The bolt...