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groar's solar panels thread
During last two days, 3kWc of solar panels have been installed on our roof.
Edit: here is its yearly and monthly production since 2008/11/21: http://www.bdpv.fr/graphique/product...raphique=petit http://www.bdpv.fr/graphique/product...raphique=petit http://www.bdpv.fr/graphique/product...21&an_act=2008 Misc data :
The system has not been switched on as when connected to the internal network, the circuit breaker opens. It seams I have a problem on my internal network :( Next step in a few weeks/months/... when ERDF, to whom I will sale my production, will connect to my inverter :) Costs :
Loan : 8k€ for 10 years at 2% : monthly payment = 75€ Notes :
(unsorted) pictures are here : Album: install Denis. |
Nice install. I like how its integrated into the roof. Keep us updated on the progress.
BTW, what is ERDF? |
EDF (Électricité de France) is the governmental company producing and selling electricity. There exist a few other companies since a few years but EDF is always the main one.
ERDF (Électricité Réseau de Distribution de France) is the company who manages the distribution network of electricity, ie the grid. Its length is about 1.2 million of kms = 0.75 million miles. ERDF is currently a subsidiary company of EDF. Currently I have a contract with EDF as a buyer. To sell, I will have a contract directly with ERDF. They'll create a new connection from the grid directly to my inverter through 2 meters : one to count how much I sell and one to count how much I use from this line. Denis. |
I'm a producer, at least...
You know what ? I'm happy :)
ERDF installed his counters Wednesday and the panels' reseller connected the inverter to the counters one hour ago :cool: So the counters are increasing... By now : 235 Wh in 53 minutes (weather is very cloudy) and I'm saving CO2 (400kg/yr) and uranium :thumbup: A few additional photos later... and I have to change my sig ;) Denis. |
Awesome! Definitely keep us up to date on this. :)
Connection photos
Two months (*) after the PV installation, ERDF (in fact private electricians mandated by them) came to install different counters :
http://www.groar.org/EcoRenovator/pv...cf1880.med.jpg Above from right to left :
(*) It seams that in my region half people installed during the 3 months before my installation are always not connected... so I will not complain about this 2 months delay. Then Friday the inverter got connected to ERDF's system :thumbup: http://www.groar.org/EcoRenovator/pv...cf1885.med.jpg and after a few minutes to pass the initial auto-configuration, the inverter was producing some electricity :cool: http://www.groar.org/EcoRenovator/pv...cf1890.med.jpg (sorry for the poor quality of this photo) Puissance sortie = Power out The green LED and the 8 LED on its right are lighten proportionally to the production. At that moment only 265 W was produced, while the installation's nominal production is 3 kW, so only one LED was lit. On the left of the green LED is a red LED which means the inverter isn't producing electricity when it's lit. Here are more photos with captions : Album: connection in high resolution. Next, the first figures... Denis. |
First figures
Here are a few figures, noted this after noon (second day) during very cloudy weather :
Next, the daily/monthly/yearly productions... Denis. |
Daily/monthly/yearly productions
I will regularly update this message with :
I will also log my monthly production there : http://www.bdpv.fr/image/logo_bdpv_carre.jpg You'll be able to see pretty graphs there :cool: Here is my daily production until 2008/11/30 :
Notes :
Here is my monthly production since 2008/11/21 :
Denis. |
Ohh, daily updates. I look forward to it!
Forecast production
Here is the forecast production for my PV solar panels system in kWh per month/day :
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Looking at EDF's monthly reports, here are the CO2 generated in g/kWh : Code:
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year From a 2005 study, this is because they are mainly using coal power plant (900 gCO2/kWh) to reply to quickly fluctuating demand. While European average is at 340 gCO2/kWh, the French production can be separated by use :
Based upon EDF's 2007 yearly report, our 3kWc photo-voltaic solar panels should save :
The reselling price is currently at 0.57187€/kWh, so the income for the first year should be around 1813€ (2284$ at 1,2595$/€). Denis. |
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