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SimpleManLance 04-03-13 06:39 PM

old magazine article central hotwater loop??
i got this notice so i figured i would start a thread. "Hello SimpleManLance it appears that you have not posted on our forums in several weeks, why not take a few moments to ask a question, help provide a solution or just engage in a conversation with another member in any one of our forums?"

i didn't know what to put for the title, so bear with me.

i remember reading a couple years ago in one of my magazines about a central heating system. I cant find or or remember the magazine it was in. Maybe someone on here knows what i am talking about.

it was a small continuous loop that had a bunch of takeoffs on it that ran to different things. One takeoff went to a solar hot water heater, another to in floor heat, another to dump extra heat into the pool. I think the loop has its own pump that circulated the water and then when something called for heat it would open a valve and flow to that area. In the loop there were a couple capped off valves to future take offs. It said in the article that the whole system was pretty pricy, but i thought it was pretty neat and wondered how everyone on here felt about it. Anybody remember the article. I thought it was in homepower mag but i couldn't seem to find it.

SimpleManLance 04-03-13 06:45 PM

i guess i didn't search hard enough i found the article.
Solar Home Heating Retrofit | Home Power Magazine

Daox 04-04-13 07:33 AM

That is basically what I am doing with my solar hot water heating project. Mine will incorperate a hot water tank though so I can store excess heat. I was lucky and ended up finding free solar hot water panels. They need work, but hey, they were free! Designing the system has taken a lot of research as well, but in the end it will all be worth it.

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