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Xringer 11-25-11 01:50 PM

Spain's Solar Deals on Edge of Bankruptcy as Subsidies Founder
Spain's Solar Deals on Edge of Bankruptcy as Subsidies Founder - Bloomberg

It's only a matter of time, until the USA (and then Canada) are going to be
hit with the same bucket of ice water..

Ryland 11-25-11 03:08 PM

We've had tax rebates and incentives on solar for what, 5 years or less? and solar manufacturers who have been around for the last 30 years... I don't see this as being an issue, of course there is always going to be some turn over, but that happens, I still plan to put solar on my house in the next few years, with or without cash incentives because they will pay for them selves many times over in my life time.

Xringer 11-25-11 03:39 PM

Actually, I got really good tax benefits when we installed a multi-fuel heating system
and solar hotwater panels, back in the 1980s.. So incentives have been around for a while. Off and on..

It sure seems like they will be going away pretty soon. Heck, the way things are going
we might actually seen an actual cut in government spending!!
(Not just a slight decrease it the horrendous spending growth rate).

People are going to have to make some decisions pretty soon.
Do we want to keep wasting billions for pork, or do we want
to keep granny alive a few more years.?

When I was a kid, working for the state or federal government
wasn't normally a high paying job, like it is today.
Well, I think those days are coming back again. Within a few years.

But, before any of those gov.workers see even the smallest cut in their sweet benefits,
the general population will see a massive cut in tax breaks, services & etc across the board..

We have created a Frankenstein Government, and now we are going to have to kill it.. :eek:

AC_Hacker 11-25-11 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Ryland (Post 17862)
We've had tax rebates and incentives on solar for what, 5 years or less? and solar manufacturers who have been around for the last 30 years... I don't see this as being an issue...

I was at a solar installer's conference about 4 years ago, and I came to understand how devastating the capricious nature of tax rebates and incentives is to that industry.

There are a lot of people who go into the business, for all the right reasons, and invest some serious money and time so that they can operate in a professional manner... and then the incentives are withdrawn, and the market crashes, and people go broke, and become bitter and never look back. And all that preparation and capital is lost. Then at some point, the incentives reappear and the whole cycle begins again, with new people starting from zero.

I have come to have a very conspiratorial view of this whole mess. It would seriously be in the interest of existing power companies to perpetuate this whole disastrous cycle because it insures that no serious competition will become viable.

It's a real mess.


Xringer 11-25-11 04:37 PM

You are correct to believe in conspiracies, they do exist.
Even in places most people wouldn't think of.
Climategate 2.0: New E-Mails Rock The Global Warming Debate - Forbes

Some of them don't seem so nutty, when you look at it from a, follow-the-money point of view.

AC_Hacker 11-25-11 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Xringer (Post 17865)
Some of them don't seem so nutty, when you look at it from a, follow-the-money point of view.

So, you are referring to the practice of huge oil companies subsidizing phony 'scientific research' that is mis-informing public opinion and undermining what virtually all peer-reviewed research agree is one of the greatest dangers to life as we know it, right?

Because you are right, the big oil corporations are raking in massive profits while we dither... Just as the big tobbaco companies used the same play-book to delay the truth about the dangers of smoking... they also knowingly raked in billions while people died from smoking-related diseases. Corporations have no conscience.

How could they do this to our grandchildren?


Xringer 11-25-11 07:49 PM

No, not at all, I just figured that some readers here are like me and just love the comments sections of these stories..
If you click on Expand All Comments, you can see the first comments posted 2 days ago.
The first to post, daviddelosangeles starts right in attacking the messenger..
Staking out the low ground.. But, henrymiller, _wendy_, rationaldb8 and others, stepped up and did the job..

It's amazing to see what global warming is becoming these days..

Like the guy who investigated "Bernie" Madoff might have said,
if it looks like a scam, smells like a scam, and there's a large amount
of money changing hands, it's most likely a scam.

What's that called?? Ockham's razor.. :D

Here's a study funded by us..
Global warming rate less than feared: study
(at least I think the US National Science Foundation gets taxpayers money).

As to "research" being done (not computer sims), the only actual experiments that have been done, are the CERN CLOUD work. CERN - CLOUD: cosmic rays and cloud formation

Their results seem to have confirmed, what has been observed for many years.
The fact that earth's air temperature is greatly effected by solar activity (Sunspots).

As people start to understand the implications of CLOUD and how those
'implications' mesh perfectly with histological sunspot & weather data.
A consensus about global warmers fudging the data is starting to form
into the idea, that it was all a scam to ripoff some mola.

Xringer 11-25-11 08:02 PM

Funny one!!

This stuff cracks me up!! :)

To put it another way, the whole hoax was working just fine until the Earth began to cool around 1998.
So naturally the IPCC had to
(1) change the terminology from global warming to climate change,
(2) deny that its “scientists” were lying, and
(3) continue the pathetic prediction scheme by pointing to “weather events.”

AC_Hacker 11-25-11 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Xringer (Post 17867)
As people start to understand the implications of CLOUD and how those 'implications' mesh perfectly with histological sunspot & weather data.

I'm just not seeing the perfect meshing that you are convinced of...


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