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Daox 06-17-14 11:17 AM

Closed-loop futuristic recycled water shower reduces bills by $1,300 (Video)
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This is a pretty cool idea, and it makes sense. I wonder how hard it would be to DIY?

Closed-loop futuristic recycled water shower reduces bills by $1,300 (Video)


In a standard shower, a mere 10 minutes can use up to 150 litres (40 gallons) of water. Building upon the idea of designs used for space travel, where astronauts will reuse the same water over and over again, OrbSys is a closed-loop system that cuts down on water consumption by purifying shower water that drains at the bottom to drinking standards, and is cycled up to the shower head be used again.

The system uses only about 5 litres (1.3 gallons) of water for a 10-minute shower, or 90 percent less water and 80 percent less energy, potentially translating to over $1,300 worth of savings each year.

oil pan 4 06-20-14 12:26 AM

If all the shower heads sold today are limited to 2.5gpm I am not sure where they get the 40 gallon figure. Unless you waste 15 gallons of water waiting for the hot water.

Might have a market for this item around dallas/fort worth and wichatawfalls areas in texas.

ecomodded 06-24-14 07:14 PM

This would be great for people who live off grid in the desert , or where someone does not have access to a septic tank or Sewage field.

Ryland 06-25-14 08:26 AM

How does a shower cost you $1,300 per year?

My natural gas water heater costs $2.75 per month,
My water bill averages around $7 per month.
Sewer bill is around $11 per month based off of fresh water use.
Total paid out of pocket for water, sewer and natural gas (based off of summer use average) is $241.60 per year.

Those figures are for 3 adults and cover hot water used for washing dishes and doing laundry as well, I don't even have a low flow shower head, it's the standard 2.5gpm as you can't buy something with a higher flow rate and I'm sure I could save water in many other ways beyond a low flow shower head.

Daox 06-25-14 08:58 AM

I'm pretty sure that shower head they're using isn't a 2.5 gpm head guys.

oil pan 4 06-25-14 09:52 PM

I get dirty. 2.5gpm wont cut it for me. Find the flow restricter, drill it out problem solved.
I would probably break that water recycling thing. At the end of a good day for me is black soapy water going down the drain.
All you have to do is turn off the water.

I found that using automotive vacuum tees and vacuum line couplers into the toilet bowl filling line fills the top tank faster and sends less water down the drain from over filling the bowl. This was after I adjusted the float lever to not fill the bowl as much.

Ryland 06-27-14 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Daox (Post 38785)
I'm pretty sure that shower head they're using isn't a 2.5 gpm head guys.

Where do you get one with a higher flow rate? I haven't seen one for sale in 10 or more years, unless like was said, you drill out the jets.

But even at that, $1,300 per year for showers is nuts!

oil pan 4 06-28-14 02:20 PM

Drilling out the jets wont work. There is a single restrictor some where in the shower head. On a detachable shower head its on one end or the other inside that flexable line. Or if its a fixed shower head the restrictor is located just in side the 1/2 inch threads that attatch the shower head to the pipe. The part in question is made with rubber and plastic. When you see the part its pretty obvious its only there to obstruct the flow of water.

I say pull the restrictor, run the shower valve partially open when getting wet or rinsing off, only run it when you actually need it and turn it off when soaping up.
The only time I run it full blast is when waiting on hot water and when I use the shower to wash something other than my self. Such as washing the dog, washing out a trash can, washing the shower its self, filling soapy bucket for mopping or car washing and so on.

ecomodded 06-28-14 07:16 PM

A 2.5gpm shower uses 19x more water then the eco shower.

a 2.5 gpm shower head uses 150 gallons in 60 minutes the eco shower uses 7.8 gallons in 60 minutes.

I think its a good start at re purposing some of Nasa's hypermiling tech into Eco Tech for home use.
After more development , I could see the recycling shower also being installed in New Semi passive high rise building constructions.

- The recycling toilet -

If the Recycling toilet can succeed despite its low appeal then i feel the recycling shower should be at least as successful, they do complement each other , the shower would need a sink built into it to complete the system.
That current shower stall could cost $4,500 to $7500 ,so the concept needs A LOT of development ,into a more affordable fiberglass standard shower stall size , with the works above the unit for space spacings.
With a price of around $900 so People will buy it.

jeff5may 06-28-14 07:35 PM

Perfect product for rich and paranoid doomsday preppers. No longer will you have to suffer in your bomb shelter when the end comes. Just pay a boatload of money for this shower unit to complement the already outrageous amount invested in your underground lair. If and when the zombies attack, at least you won't stink...

Hopefully the developers will provide assistance integrating the system into the existing rainwater collection system.

AC_Hacker 06-29-14 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by jeff5may (Post 38816)
Perfect product for rich and paranoid doomsday preppers. No longer will you have to suffer in your bomb shelter when the end comes. Just pay a boatload of money for this shower unit to complement the already outrageous amount invested in your underground lair. If and when the zombies attack, at least you won't stink...

Hopefully the developers will provide assistance integrating the system into the existing rainwater collection system.

A product like this, against the background of a currently cheap and abundant water supply does seem absurd.

However, international corporations have targeted water as the 21st century's gold rush, and they are in action, right now, all over the world, privatizing water. It is happening not only in cities, but in counties and also in whole countries.

And since it is in the DNA of corporations to maximize profits to shareholders, the price of water, even abundantly available water, will rise to whatever price the market will bear.

This is above and beyond the 'supply and demand' mechanism.

In the face of all this, sadly, such a bath water recycling machine, designed for astronauts in space, will become a general necessity, even when water is still abundant.


jeff5may 06-30-14 03:54 AM

I loved the movie "Tank Girl", as well as the comic book series... Water & Power...

8307c4 08-12-14 09:01 AM

Around my necks you can remove the shower head completely and still won't get much over 1-2 gpm because the water pressure has been regulated by the county because our reservoirs are at a 100+ year low.

Now I tell you what helps, is turn down the faucet.
I turn it down to a trickle while soaping up.
In that sense the showerhead's nozzle shut-off button does help.

Otherwise I suspect we won't have to worry about any kind of water coming out in the foreseeable future.

ICanHas 08-15-14 07:53 AM

So, it's basically the same technology used for automatic carwash?

ecomodded 01-10-15 07:13 PM

Never new car washes recycled the water but it makes sense they would to be more responsible with the cities water supply or lack there of. The system probably saves them money as well , a win win.

Motor homes and RV's could stand to have a small water recycler , for the convenience of not having to empty and fill the holding tanks quite as often. A spin off effect would be extended stays and saved trips / fuel too refill the water. I Imagine some of the high end units have the feature already.

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