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Xringer 06-12-15 11:53 PM

environmentalists don't like solar?
L.A. Ends Participation in Massive Solar project

"L.A. Ends Participation in Massive Solar project—to Save 100 Bighorn Sheep"

It's funny.. In a sad way..

NiHaoMike 06-13-15 01:38 AM

They're clearly not real environmentalists. Real environmentalists even have a name for the fake ones - "greenwashers".

AC_Hacker 06-13-15 08:35 AM

Civilization is not Sustainable

Originally Posted by Xringer (Post 45459)
..."L.A. Ends Participation in Massive Solar project—to Save 100 Bighorn Sheep"...

I don't think that this is either funny or sad.

I see this as a 'canary in the coal mine' kind of reminder of how huge is the burden that civilization places on the planet.

As skewed as the Breitbart inc. mindset is, like a bored school boy, they have mindlessly picked at a scab that opened a wound of unimaginable consequences...

The haunting fact is that civilization is not sustainable.

Here is a simplistic calculator that can give a clue to the situation.

Take the test honestly and look at your results.

Then try 'gaming' the test to see what it would take to live within one planet.

It's an eye opener.


jeff5may 06-15-15 12:06 AM

I challenge solar supporters everywhere to put their money into a personal investment. Buy a micro array and a micro inverter and install the system. Don't wait for the government to provide it, the systems are not all that expensive.

Besides the obvious, the visual presence of the system is easily identified by observers, much like flying a flag. The real future is decided today and tomorrow: perception becomes reality, the future is realized by changing the perception.

Xringer 06-15-15 09:45 AM

Now the weather is getting better, I see people walking by and peeking between
our house and garage, at the little arrays in the backyard..
(My PV is not connected to the grid).

I think people seeing my PV generates a little interest.
But, up near the end of our street is a great new install.
It's a two story home, with the roof loaded with PV.. Nice looking installation.

I think it would be very difficult to DIY a legal GTI system in my town.
The nanny state doesn't encourage DIYers.

AC_Hacker 06-15-15 12:59 PM

Xringer: Your No-Nanny State Dreamland...

Originally Posted by Xringer (Post 45484)
The nanny state doesn't encourage DIYers...

I agree with you about the meddlesome "nanny state".

People in the United States should not have to whine about the "nanny state".

The nanny state should not be involved in:
  • water services
  • sewage services
  • electrical services
  • street building and upkeep
  • libraries
  • street lighting
  • mail delivery
  • police
  • public education
  • universities
  • science and research of any kind
  • any intrusion into commerce, at any level
  • space research
  • energy research
  • military
  • construction
  • zoning
  • military research
  • foreign relations
  • the justice system
  • any issues at all relating to energy
  • any issues at all relating to food
  • any issues at all relating to public health
  • any issues at all relating to public safety
  • any issues at all relating to communication

There is in fact a place where no one whines about "nanny state" because all of the above issues are completely ignored by the government, and life goes on as you would hope.

It is in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Below is a photograph of this paradise state you seek.

It is without a doubt, the most dangerous place to live in the world.

But no one there whines about the "nanny state".

You should go there and check it out. Find out for yourself what complete freedom for the individual is all about.

I did go there. I saw it.

While I did not take this exact photo, it is a true and accurate photographic depiction of what I saw with my own eyes.



jeff5may 06-15-15 07:16 PM

This picture reminds me of a Dr Seuss book city... In reality, 3/4 of the world's poulation lives like this or worse. I can't seem to find a single solar panel on a roof in the picture. I guess making wally world products doesn't pay too well anymore. Not having a public government really does suck.

While I do not always agree with the current political agendas or the politicians who steer them, you will never hear me complain about taxes or the projection of our military power. While the American system of government is far from perfect, it is indeed what most of the rest of the world envies. I am extremely grateful to live in the society our leaders have labored and struggled to provide me.

That said, I believe I would take a "dont ask, don't tell" position on the solar panel issue. Kind of like driving to Indiana to buy fireworks for independence day. How often do you think your county inspector drives around town, looking for bootleg solar panels on homes? My guess is less than never.

AC_Hacker 06-16-15 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by jeff5may (Post 45491)
...While the American system of government is far from perfect, it is indeed what most of the rest of the world envies. I am extremely grateful to live in the society our leaders have labored and struggled to provide me...

If you were someone who was born into wealth, I would completely understand why you would say what you have said, because that is exactly what they say.

For someone of modest means, I think you might not realize the degree to which the deck is stacked against you.

Our leaders struggled for a system of equal justice for all... Do we have that? Ask any African American, they can explain it to you.

Our leaders also struggled for a system of economic equality. In fact some of our founding states had the word "Commonwealth" in their name... do we have that? The chart below would suggest that we do not have wealth equality. In fact, we have never been farther away from wealth equality than we are right now.

Our leaders struggled to make sure we would not become entangled in foreign wars. Need I say more about that?

If you want to measure us against Afghanistan, then we are doing really great, especially since we destroyed so much of their country.

But if you measure us against the Scandinavian countries, then you will see that they have attained what "our leaders have labored and struggled to provide".

They have a better Judicial system

They have a less corrupt government

They have a far more fair distribution of income,

They actually have "freedom of the press"

They are more successful in their pursuit of happiness

They Live Longer than we do

We have fallen way behind in Infant Mortality

In order to make the United States "The Best", it is necessary to recognize that it is not already the best.

I was talking to a friend a few years back... she had just returned from a cruise of the "Inside Passage" that goes from Prince Rupert to Alaska. She was amazed to find so many Europeans on the ship.

She asked on why this was, and the reply was that it was very affordable because, "The United States is the new Mexico."



jeff5may 06-16-15 08:01 AM

I agree with you that the nwo is selling us out for the top 1%.

Xringer 06-16-15 08:30 AM

We got lucky
At least the USA got past the last 10 years without being burned to death..

Advanced Climate Station Data Shows U.S. In A Cooling Trend | The Daily Caller


We had good luck.. Except for NYC, which be underwater in a few days..:eek:


Not a real picture, this is a computer simulation.
The flooding won't occur until after 6/17/2015.. Or maybe a bit later.. :p

AC_Hacker 06-16-15 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Xringer (Post 45498)
At least the USA got past the last 10 years without being burned to death..

Yeah, pretty cute.

I checked out your site and saw amongst the cheap sensationalist teasers, the article you mention.

I see that they have quotes from experts:


”Clearly, a ‘pause’ or ‘hiatus’ exists in this most pristine climate data,” writes Anthony Watts, a veteran meteorologist and publisher of the science blog Watts Up With That. “In fact, a very slight cooling trend appears.”
It's good to quote people, it seems to add credibility...

Then I looked up "Anthony Watts" in Wikipedia, where you can see that Willard Anthony Watts is a college drop out...


Watts assisted with the setup of a radio program for his high school in Indiana, and later attended electrical engineering and meteorology classes at Purdue University, but did not graduate or receive a degree.
So Xringer, it's good to know the kind of people you are getting your misinformation from.

It says a lot about your credibility and gullibility.


Gullibility is a failure of social intelligence in which a person is easily tricked or manipulated into an ill-advised course of action. It is closely related to credulity, which is the tendency to believe unlikely propositions that are unsupported by evidence.
I hope you are enjoying your retirement.



Daox 06-16-15 10:02 AM

Play nice fellas.

AC_Hacker 06-16-15 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Daox (Post 45504)
Play nice fellas.

Twenty years ago, the percentage of people in the US who thought that the actions of man were having a detrimental effect on the environment, and that actions should be taken, was in the high 60's, low 70's.

Two decades later, after huge and rising amounts of real scientific studies have pointed to the fact that things are not only getting worse and getting worse faster, but we are approaching "tipping points", beyond which it will no longer be possible to reverse trends that will make life on our planet a seriously degraded prospect. The tragic irony is that the percentage of people in the US who believe that action should be taken has fallen to about the 50% level.

This drop in public support did not come from public apathy, or lack of public concern. It came from well-documented, carefully organized and executed public relations campaigns. The origin and support for these campaigns is easily traceable to specific sources whose profits would be diminished by the changes that would be required to reduce global climate change.

In fact, because of the tsunami of disinformation that has swept over not only the US, but also Europe, the published scientific projections are being understated even though the data and computer projections are becoming even more dire.

There is a very well documented book now out called "This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate" by Naomi Klein. It can be obtained from any library or book seller you can think of.

It is also freely, and legally available HERE.

If you are not inclined to read, a free and legal audio version is available HERE

I take the 'ECO' part of EcoRenovator very seriously, from its Latin root, oîkos that means house or household. When we talk of Economics, we are using that word, and when we talk of Ecology we are using that word. I think we should all be very aware of not only the money we might save from our improvements, but even more, the lowering of our burden on our ultimate "household".

If someone is using EcoRenovator to distribute disinformation, I think it is a responsibility to call it what it is: Disinformation.

Finally, if anyone thinks that I am taking cheap shots at an old man, please understand that I am older than Xringer, and age is no excuse for ignorance.



Daox 06-16-15 12:22 PM

There is no problem with people debating with information and data. As long as it doesn't degrade to name calling and personal attacks its fine. If we are to distribute information that corrects the disinformation, doing it in a way that offends others is usually counter productive, even if you are right.

Xringer 06-16-15 12:29 PM

I was wrong..
Washington, D.C. is immersed in a period of record warmth, little relief in sight - The Washington Post

It's hot in D.C. so I guess that story about CO2 lagging temperature was bogus..

Oh well, never mind.. Hey, it's getting warm out.. Gotta turn off the heat! :)

Xringer 06-16-15 04:42 PM

New solar array helps the "going green" in NH
Chinese-owned solar farm costs ratepayers $122M

In this case, it looks like the green is going into someone's pocket,
besides the ratepayers..
But, they do get the satisfaction of a slightly smaller carbon footprint..

jeff5may 06-16-15 05:44 PM

I have only one question: What the phooey is an OECD country, and what does that have to do with LA abandoning yet another environmental project?

Another idea: Can I buy any second hand panels from Soda Mountain, or are they going to a dump I can pick from?

AC_Hacker 06-16-15 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by jeff5may (Post 45519)
I have only one question: What the phooey is an OECD country?

It basically refers to fully developed European countries, without actually saying, "fully developed European countries."

I don't know about the L.A. part.


nexsuperne 07-01-15 03:29 PM

I did the test mentioned above, but there is no section for my Nissan Leaf EV that I drive with zero emissions, and is recharged from wind and solar only. Even growing my own food, living in a well insulated house, not buying crap, recycling everything, only replacing stuff that breaks, walking a lot, heating in winter with wood, and summer with solar thermal and solar PV, I would still need 2 planets :(

AC_Hacker 07-03-15 11:43 AM

Environmental Burden

Originally Posted by nexsuperne (Post 45741)
I did the test mentioned above, but there is no section for my Nissan Leaf EV that I drive with zero emissions, and is recharged from wind and solar only. Even growing my own food, living in a well insulated house, not buying crap, recycling everything, only replacing stuff that breaks, walking a lot, heating in winter with wood, and summer with solar thermal and solar PV, I would still need 2 planets :(

I'd say that you are doing pretty well for an American.

I have a Leaf also and I have it for the same reason as you (it is also a wonderful car to drive!). But if you do an honest assessment, the Leaf, or any car for that matter, exists because of an array of processes that use fossil fuel, and do substantial environmental damage due to resource extraction, refinement, fabrication, transportation. Every bit of metal, plastic and glass that makes up the car represents some amount of environmental damage. Your car, and my car, is the sum total of all those destructive processes.

I did this 'foot print' quiz several years ago, and at the time there were other duffferent tests to determine the same thing. They all were in approximate agreement, but with some it was easier to set all of the indicators to zero and to increase them one at a time.

From doing this, I found that living in the US was the biggest negative as far as ecological burden goes. I suppose that was because of the 'fixed cost' of the federal, state and local governments and all of the various levels of military and paramilitaries, and the whole civic infrastructure. In other words, the environmental cost of maintaining the American empire. If you live here, you have chosen to bear that burden.

Another was sharing domestic resources. The biggest was how many people live in your house, and the individual burden lessens, by sharing the domestic resources burden amongst more people.

Another is transportation to the place of your employment. If you work in the place where you live, that is best. If you must physically travel, it then becomes distance multiplied by the mode of travel. In other words, walking is the best mode, bicycling the the next best, mechanized 'passive' transportation is the worst and shared being less bad, with short-hop private jets being the very peak of environmentally rapacious transportation (this is not counting civilian and military space launches).

At the moment I am writing this, the world population is 7,326,044,500 and climbing. For the earth to sustain this many people, civilization must come to an abrupt end, and all people must live a very simple, subsistence life.

From the perspective of consumption and survival of the planet, almost all of our values are inverted. In other words, people whose lives are conventionally seen as successful, are in fact the ultimate criminals. And the simple lives that get overlooked and pitied because, 'they never amounted to anything' are the heroes because of what they did not do.

Our efforts to be 'better stewards of the earth' are well worth continuing, but our real journey has only begun.


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