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ecomodded 01-23-15 10:01 AM

Well isn't that frig-gen sweet ,your going FIX the contest yourself.

PERPETUAL means to run ON AND ON

not put less in then you get , I am done with you , your ignorant to a fault.

Ator 01-23-15 10:21 AM

Well it's very simple, if something goes on and on without slowing down that means that either there's no friction or you have to input energy to keep it going. So if you say it keeps on going without putting in work, you get more energy out of it than you put in. This might all be difficult to understand, so I suggest reading the wiki page on perpetual motion.

I didn't mean to offend anyone and have tried being courteous, you might want to try offering me the same respect.

As I've been saying earlier, believe what you want to believe.

ecomodded 01-23-15 10:33 AM

Blah blah blah snivel snivel - FAIL

jeff5may 01-23-15 10:53 AM

See the forest through the trees already. The Colorado river isn't going to stop flowing duringmy lifetime, nor is the earth going to stop spinning. Nor is the sun going to quit shining, nor is the radioactive waste going to cool down. The point is that after I'm dead, it ain't going to affect me. So what if some scientists disprove the theoretical.

This is how a great many ideas have been crucified. The dark ages erased eons of knowledge because of those in authoritative positions. There is a line between the theoretical an d the practical that we must identify and observe.

ecomodded 01-23-15 11:01 AM

Your right Jeff , my last comment I had here was not meant for your post..

Its hard to win when the judges make rules that cannot be met.

since the universe is predicted to end some day anything in it is not going to run for infinity.

But perpetual yes

Useful productive perpetual energy is real and as we see with Hydro power or wave power etc. it is possible.

Elwin 01-23-15 11:15 AM

The fact that the colorado river is not going to stop flowing in a lifetime means that we can use it as a sustainable source of energy. This however does not mean that this nonsense with magnets can keep on going forever or even supply power. There is a big difference between sustainable energy like hydro, solar and wind and "perpetual motion machines".

The great thing about science is that you can test theories and if they don't work or if they find a better theory science changes. So unless you can prove this works it's bullocks

pinballlooking 01-23-15 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Ator (Post 43399)
I'm sorry but this is just nonsense and distracts from the real discoveries out there. Before you go out of your way to find those magnets, I found a video of a guy who tried it for himself, judge it yourself.

These stupid video's on free energy just rob people of their money and time, as well as distract them from the true scientific progress we are making.

Would you have to install the magnets on the fan blade opposite each other like an electric motor? every other one.

ecomodded 01-23-15 11:55 AM

I thought the same thing Pinball , the poles should be reversed every other magnet.

jeff5may 01-23-15 07:44 PM

Anyone can look up utube videos that show speaking animals, reversing gravity, and dry water. Not just anyone can do this experiment. One must have things like computer fans, magnets, and free time. Very tricky and technical and such. Beware, it could be dangerous.

Someone do this experiment.

I tried to PM you back, but you won't take messages. Don't sweat it brother, life is too short to hold grudges against people. I believe people reap what they sow and pay what they owe. I prefer to pay things forward and this has worked out well for everyone involved. If i ever need help with anything I have plenty of shoulders to share the load. Cuz big projects take lots of hands and such.

ecomodded 01-23-15 10:09 PM

I unchecked this default setting - Receive Private Messages only from Contacts and Moderators -

I did feel bad about my post error being it appeared to be directed toward your good post , thanks for your understanding I felt like a smuck when I noticed it.

Also I will try to show better etiquette while dealing with challengers , so its a better read for everyone, including Altar.

Darn those elusive magnets , if I had em I would do the test I am busy creating and building as it is, but I will not forget about this. I will try to remember to ask for a couple dead hard drives at a local computer shop next time I am in the area.

Then after the test I will be either be thoroughly disappointing or Happier than a midget at a mini-skirt convention.

I think it will work and that pinball got it right with every other magnet being reversed.

I welcome anyone to do the test , in the manner outlined by pinball if you are bored at home or have the interest.

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