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pinballlooking 09-29-20 08:46 AM

I was happy, I have heard bad things about support with some of these companies. I was just polite nice and plead my case.
My wife said I would get no where with them.

While researching eBikes I was surprised at how many people were replacing their cars with eBikes.

One guy in Atlanta Georgia was using bike power to get to work so he was not all sweaty at work.

Then he mostly pedaled home. He shaved about 1 hour off his travel time by staying out of traffic.
This seems like a great use of a eBike.

pinballlooking 10-02-20 06:48 PM

I have 54 miles on my bike. I have been riding each day. Usually moving right along 20-25 MPH.
Mt average was 19.6 today for 8 miles. Still working out a couple things used the cruise control today.
I like the the Cruise control. My new controller is in Hong Kong stalled out some holiday.
I was able to get into change wheel size and set top speed to 31 MPH this did help.

Tomorrow I will try setting the wheels to be very small to trick the computer to give me more assist at higher speeds.

I have a new charger coming that can charge the battery to either 80% 90% or 100%
If you keep the battery between 20% - 80% then every 4 or 5 charges 100% to get balancing it can double the battery life. The batteries are expensive I have not been ridding long rides so 80% is no big deal.

The new charger does 1-5 amps so this also gives more options. It shuts off when charged. All good things.

If I go on long ride I will just charge 100%

pinballlooking 10-03-20 09:00 PM

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PAS (pedal assist) only goes to 6amps going up hills or any other time. Someone told me about a mod that you can cut the PAS sensor wire and put switch on that wire.
That way you can use the full 19 amps throttle while pedaling up hills.
There are a red black and a green wire just cut the green wire and solder in a switch. Switch off throttle will work while pedaling.
Switch on it just works normal.

Cadence Sensor seen here there are 12 magnets in it. It tells the ECU the you are pedaling. It is on the left crank.

The difference is amazing.
The new controller I have coming should help this issue but it will probably be a week before it gets here.

I know it did not take me very long to mod my new bike.

If someone has this bike and wants to try this.
You just cut the green wire from the Cadence Sensor. Just follow the wires up from the Cadence Sensor. Look at the picture I put a line through the green wire.

pinballlooking 10-06-20 09:46 AM

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The mod to the bike is working out great. Today was my best work out.
My morning ride is usually about 7.5 miles. Increasing pedaling each time.
I put it max speed cruise control and add in pedaling.
I now have 83 miles on the eBike.
My new charger and controller came in.

It is so much more fun with this mod. The new controller should also fix the issue. But I hope I don't lose cruise control.

Daox 10-07-20 12:58 PM

Haha, the modding didn't take long at all. But, I think that is just the way we do things around here. I remember modding my Prius the second day I had it... :)

pinballlooking 10-07-20 01:10 PM

When I was shopping for a eBike I could get a 7 speed or a 8 speed. I bought a 8 speed but I did not put that item very high on the list of must haves.

Now that I have had it and rode 104 miles I would put that very high on the list to have. That top gear is a must if you want to go fast.
Otherwise you are just a hamster doing nothing at all that 8 th gear is a must. I saw others bought a 7 speed they all have swapped out gear cassettes to have that 8 th gear.

pinballlooking 10-17-20 09:29 AM

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Here is the controller. The mosfet's look like their 70 volt 80 amps from the datasheet. They should be able to handle more amps than stock.
The stock controller is a 18 amp controller.

There is a shunt resistor that limits R003 the amps.
If I replace it with a R002 it should give a nice boost power going up hills.

I also ordered a R005 to put in parallel that will take the finial value to .001875 This will give just a little more amps and be a simple to just solder it on top of the other one.

There are lots of people doing this type of mod out there.
Here is a good example.

This mod will not really increase top speed but should give more torque.
To increase top speed I need more voltage or a better motor.
I want more torque for hill climbing.

I am going to order a R002.

pinballlooking 10-20-20 10:01 AM

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I have new shunt resistors on the way.

I just bought this I need to know how many amps I am using now.
Then measure it after I do the mod.

I bought two different values I will try the parallel mod first this one will give the most amps. Then I will test it to make sure I did not push it to hard. There is not a big difference between the two.
.001875 or .002 ohms

pinballlooking 10-21-20 05:17 PM

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I went for a ride on the swamp rabbit trail today. I parked at the Zoo they have free EV charging.
This was my first slow ride. I went 12 miles and adv 12 MPH I had 97% battery left.

Speed really matters. In the morning I want for a 7.3 mile ride adv speed 21 MPH Max speed 27.5 and used 40% of the battery.

Yes it fits in a Chevy Volt. It does take up more room than I thought it would.

pinballlooking 10-23-20 10:44 AM

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I road on the Doodle Trail in SC yesterday very nice trail.
Down and back was about 17 miles. This is a rails for trails trail.
I just went over 200 miles on my bike.

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